Monday, May 30, 2011

[Salesforce] Scheduling an Apex call from the command line

1) Problem

This post presents a way to execute an Apex method or an Apex batch from the command line, regardless your platform (gnu/Linux, Unix, Windows) using Perl and cURL.

User Cases

  • Customer IT rules compliance: all the scheduled batches should be centralized.
  • Integration: customer needs to execute an Apex batch (e.g. after a daily data load.)
  • Customer IT does not have resources with the required skills to write and maintain an application that will deal with Salesforce API.

2) Solution big picture

This is a very simple solution that might be easily integrated in a shell script. The advantages are: no sweat for customer IT and the new capability of launching heavy processes running on the side.

Technical solution in a nutshell

A shell script is calling a cURL command that deals with the API. cURL posts a SOAP login message to Salesforce and opens a session. Then, cURL is calling your Apex method exposed as a web service.

The user case we will walk through

Let's assume that your customer has a nightly batch that imports new leads (with an ETL e.g.). But the phone numbers format does not meet his CTI requirements; so the system cannot match the inbound calls. We need to apply a filter on the phone numbers. The process stands in a simple string replacement using a regular expression: we will suppress all the none numerical characters with the pattern [^\d]*.

3) Solution deep dive

Why Perl?

Why Perl rather than Ruby or PHP? Perl is a popular interpreted script language that is usually pre installed on any Unix/Linux systems. Perl provides powerful text processing facilities without the arbitrary data length limits, facilitating easy manipulation of text files. (see Perl on Wikipedia )

Which Perl for your system?

on Windows, the installation is straight forward and should not upset the system administrator. Choose your flavor: Strawberry or Active State.

Why cURL?

cURL is open source and stands for “Client for URLs”. It is a command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax, supporting HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, LDAP, etc. cURL handles cookies, HTTP headers, forms, all you need to mimic an internet browser.
cURL main site,
cURL download page.
  • Unix/Linux: build cURL from the sources (compile with openssl), download a package for your distribution (or use apt-get)
  • Windows: Get a version that support the HTTPS protocole

In action

The Perl script is performing the following actions:
  • send a login SOAP call to
  • parse the response and get the session id
  • send a SOAP call that will execute the Apex command

Your org data model. Add to the Lead object the custom field:
  • Name: phone cti
  • API Name: phone_cti__c
  • type: text(50)
  • Read: all profiles
  • Write: only the System Administrator

Apex Batch

This batch is making a copy of the Lead phone field to the phone_cti__c field and apply a filter that removes all the none numeric characters.
This is just some dummy code written for this recipe and not a CTI best practice!
Here is the Apex code, test method is nested in the class:
BatchLeadPhones Blp = new BatchLeadPhones();
ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(Blp);
global class BatchLeadPhones implements Database.Batchable{
    public String query;
    global database.querylocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
        if ((query==null) || (query=='')) query='Select phone_cti__c From Lead';
        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);

    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List scope){
        List Leads = new List();
        for(sObject s : scope){
                Lead l = (Lead)s;
                String ph = l.phone_cti__c.replaceAll('[^\\d]*','');
                if (ph != l.phone_cti__c) {
                    l.phone_cti__c = ph;
        if (Leads.Size()>0) update Leads; 
    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){
    // test method
    static testMethod void test_BatchLeadPhones() {
        Lead l = new lead(LastName='lead test 123', phone_cti__c='+1 (555)123-4567', company='test company 456');
        insert l;
        BatchLeadPhones Blp = new BatchLeadPhones();
        Blp.query = 'Select phone_cti__c From lead Where ID=\''+l.Id+'\'';
        ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(Blp);
Warning, there is a bug in the SyntaxHighlighter module that forces tags to be closed. Do not pay attention to the last line.

Calling the Batch from the System Log window, run on all leads:
BatchLeadPhones Blp = new BatchLeadPhones();
ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(Blp);

Run on a single lead:
BatchLeadPhones Blp = new BatchLeadPhones();
Blp.query = 'Select phone, phone_cti__c From lead Where ID=\'00QA000000GCVof\'';
ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(Blp);
Calling the Batch from a web service:
This is the Apex class exposed as a webservice:
global class callBatches {
    WebService static String CallBatchLeadPhones() {
        BatchLeadPhones Blp = new BatchLeadPhones();
        ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(Blp);
        return batchprocessid;

    // Test Method
    TestMethod static void test_CallBatchLeadPhones() {
        Lead l = new lead(LastName='lead test 123', phone_cti__c='+1 (555)123-4567', company='test company 456');
        insert l;
        String ID = callBatches.CallBatchLeadPhones();
        System.assert(ID != null);

Now you need the WSDL file.

Go to Setup | App Setup | Develop | Apex Classes. On the row of the class callBatches, click on the link “WSDL” to download the WSDL. This XML file describes how to call the web service.

As I guess you are not fluent in WSDL, I recommend that you install SOAPUI on your system. SOAPUI is available as a free edition for gnu/Linux, Windows and Mac OSX; binary and source code.
This recipe is not a SOAPUI tutorial; I will assume that you are familiar with this fantastic tool.
You might want to provide a partner WSDL to SOAPUI and get the SOAP message to open a session in Here is the body:


Replace the username, password and token by your own credentials.
Salesforce will return a SOAP message containing informations regarding the user settings and the organization. The session id appears here:
Try this call using cURL. Open a shell:
curl --insecure --silent -H "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8" -H "SOAPAction: login" -d @login.xml > loginresponse.xml
The SOAP response is saved to loginresponse.xml.
Remark: the --insecure parameter tells cURL not to check the peer. By default, cURL is always checking. See this page to understand how to work with certificates:

Create a new SOAPUI project with your Apex class WSDL, fill the “?” parameters. The set of values is documented in the WSDL file.

The SOAP message should look like:

   will answer:

         21.0 APEX_CODE,DEBUG

4) Solution Perl Script

The Perl script is making the same actions.
  • login call (login.xml)
  • get the session id
  • insert the session id in the Apex method web service call
  • call the Apex method (request1_tpl.xml)
request1_tpl.xml is a template SOAP call. The session Id is represented by:
Perl is replacing #ID# by the value of the session ID and saves the file to request1.xml.
Remember to update the instance name on line 16 (na1, na2, eu1, etc.)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

system('> loginresponse.xml');
system('curl --insecure --silent -H "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8" -H "SOAPAction: login" -d @login.xml > loginresponse.xml');
open (FILE, 'loginresponse.xml') or die ('cannot read loginresponse.xml');
my $xml=''; while() { $xml.=$_; } close FILE;
if ($xml=~m|([0-9a-z!_\.-]+)|i) {
 my $sessionid=$1;
 open (FILER, 'request1_tpl.xml') or die ('cannot read request1_tpl.xml');
 $xml=''; while() { $xml.=$_; } close FILER;
 open (FILEW, '> request1.xml') or die ('cannot write to request1.xml');
 print FILEW $xml;
 close FILEW;
 system('curl --insecure --silent -H "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8" -H "SOAPAction: SessionHeader" -d @request1.xml > response1.xml');
Warning, there is a bug in the SyntaxHighlighter module that forces tags to be closed. Do not pay attention to the last line.

Remark: the command "system('> loginresponse.xml');" is not working on a Windows system. Replace it by "system('echo . 2> loginresponse.xml');"

5) Source code

source code (zip)

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